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Skapp Setup Guide

Let's discover Skapp in less than 5 minutes.

Backend Project Setup Guide

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the backend project, which is developed using Java Spring Boot framework.


Before starting, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) (Version 21 or higher)
  • IDE (Any Java IDE for development, but IntelliJ IDEA is recommended)
  • MySQL (Ensure MySQL is installed and running)
  • Git (To clone the repository)

1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the GitHub repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd skapp-be

2. Database Setup

When you run the Spring Boot application, the required tables will be automatically created in your MySQL database. Ensure that your MySQL service is running and properly configured.

3. Configure Environment Variables

Next, you need to set up the environmental variables required for the Spring Boot application. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your IDE (eg:- IntelliJ IDEA)
  2. Navigate to the 'Run' menu and select 'Edit Configurations'
  3. In the 'Run/Debug Configurations' window, select your Spring Boot application.
  4. Add the following environment variables in the 'Environment Variables' section

The SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable is used to specify which profile should be active (eg:- dev, test, prod, qa). For development purpose make sure to set it as non-prod (our non-prod environments are dev, qa, and e2e).

4. Run the Application

To run the Spring Boot application:

  • Open the project in your IDE (eg:- IntelliJ IDEA)
  • Ensure that all Maven Dependencies are downloaded and the project is built automatically by IntelliJ IDEA
  • Navigate to the 'Run' menu and select your Spring Boot application to run it

5. API Documentation

The API documentation is available at Swagger, which has a comprehensive list of all the available endpoints.

6. Troubleshooting

Common issues you might encounter during setup:

  • Database Connection Issues - Ensure MySQL is running and the connection details are correct
  • Environment Variable Issues - Ensure that all necessary environment variables are set correctly in the IDE
  • Dependency Issues - Ensure that the proper Maven dependencies are downloaded

Frontend Project Setup Guide

This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the frontend project, which is built using Next.js and TypeScript.


Before starting, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (version 18.x or higher)
  • npm (version 7.x or higher)
  • Git (for cloning the repository)

1. Clone the Repository

Start by cloning the project repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd skapp-fe

2. Install Dependencies

Once inside the project directory, install the required dependencies:

npm install

This command will install all the necessary packages specified in the package.json file.

3. Add the Environment Variables

Ensure you add the .env file in the root directory of the project. This file should contain the necessary environment variables.

Note: Make sure the .env file is securely stored and not shared publicly.



NEXTAUTH_URL="deployed-app-url" # add only for production env
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL - the link to your hosted backend platform
  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET - A random string used to hash tokens, sign cookies and generate cryptographic keys. You can generate a secure secret using openssl rand -base64 32
  • NEXTAUTH_URL - The URL of your deployed Next.js application, used by NextAuth for redirects in production. This defaults to localhost:3000.

4. Start the Development Server

After setting up the environment variables and installing the packages, start the development server:

npm run dev

This command will start the Next.js development server, and you should be able to view the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

5. Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues during setup, please refer to the following:

  • Ensure all dependencies are correctly installed.
  • Verify that the .env file contains the correct credentials.
  • Check for any error messages in the terminal and resolve them as needed.